Friday, August 05, 2005

You're the Man !!!

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Coach Carter

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Richmond Oilers

It was only this last weekend that I’ve got to watch the movie Coach Carter which stars Samuel L. Jackson who played as a highschool basketball coach, there are 2 things why I watched that movie. First I like basketball very much and second I like watching true to life movies.

That was a very good movie, I couldn’t imagine that a coach will put his whole team glued into bench considering that their undefeated (16-0) and they suffer their 2 consecutive loss for not playing the game. However if you’ll watch the movie you’ll understand why that thing happens. Coach Carter does not only implicate the true essence of basketball among his team but also raises the academic performances of his team. He emphasizes the value of education, they didn’t bag the championship crown in basketball after loosing in the championship round but the above all they became champions with themselves.

If you love sports, most especially basketball, you must watch Coach Carter.
The title of this blog was inspired by Apollo Mabaet (Happy Birthday - You're the Man!!!)


At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have watched that movie too and i like the story...


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